Sustainable growth and development is incredibly important to our planet, its people, its biodiversity and therefore to Clifftop.
Here are the steps Clifftop will make:
- Clifftop source from direct partnerships or importers that guarantee the coffee was bought at the globally recognised Fair Trade price or better. Most of the coffee stocked by Clifftop is very high quality coffee, where premiums, way beyond Fair Trade, are paid to the farmers to incentivise quality control.
- We work with the same producers year in year out, by carefully selecting then committing to partnerships the farmers are able to invest in the future with a level of certainty.
- We roast on an electric roaster to minimise carbon emissions and save the chaff (coffee skins) for animal bedding.
- Wholesale coffee is sold in reusable tubs eliminating single use plastic for the bulk of orders. Retail customers can return old bags and have them refilled.